Understanding the Inner Ear and Its Effect on Hearing and Balance

The inner ear, though small, is a complex system responsible for maintaining hearing and balance. Let’s delve into the anatomy of the inner ear to understand better how damage to it can lead to hearing loss and balance disorders. The Auditory and Balance Systems The inner ear is made up of two systems: auditory and…
Why Do Your Ears Pop on a Plane?

If you’ve ever taken a flight out of the Portland International Airport, you may have noticed a strange popping sensation in one or both of your ears. Although this popping sensation is rarely painful, it can cause discomfort during a long flight. Let’s take a look at why that popping sensation occurs and what you…
Do You Have a Sinus Infection or COVID?

Over the last year scientists have learned more about the novel coronavirus. The more we learn, the most symptoms get added to the list, making it hard to determine if you have been infected with the virus. Being able to tell the difference between a sinus infection and COVID-19 is crucial to determining which medical…
What You Didn’t Know About Your Post-Nasal Drip

You’ll see post-nasal drip come up on a list of symptoms for a number of conditions. But do you actually know what this commonly referenced symptom is? Below are the answers to all the questions you never thought you wanted to know about your post-nasal drip. What Is Post-Nasal Drip? The glands in your nose…
Understanding Salivary Gland Problems

Saliva has the important roles of lubricating the mouth, assisting with swallowing, protecting teeth against bacteria and aiding with digestion of food. Saliva is produced by salivary glands; the three major pairs are the parotid glands inside the cheeks, submandibular glands at the floor of the mouth and sublingual glands under the tongue. There are…
What’s Causing My Sore Throat?

Waking up with a sore throat in Portland is rarely a good sign. Unless you were out late the night before singing along at the top of your lungs to your favorite indie band rocking the Doug Fir Lounge, it probably means you are getting sick. Occasionally, a sore throat can be a sign of…
Drip, Drop, Sneeze, Cough: How Rain Affects Your Health

Portland is synonymous with many things: good coffee, food trucks with cuisine from around the world, and a warehouse of books spring to mind immediately. This time of year brings two other standbys: Rudolph’s lighted nose on the iconic “Portland, Oregon” sign, and a seemingly incessant parade of rainstorms. While we are used to dealing…