Start Off Your New Year by Managing Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a ringing, buzzing or other sound that presents itself in one or both ears when no sound is usually present. It can happen on occasion or be a chronic condition that has a negative, distracting impact on overall quality of life. Roughly 10% of Americans, or about 25 million people, have experienced a tinnitus…
Tinnitus Sleep Strategies

Tinnitus suffers can experience a ringing, buzzing or roaring in the ear at any time of day. When lying in a quiet room trying to fall asleep, the sound can become even more noticeable. Unfortunately, that means that many with tinnitus have a hard time falling and staying asleep. Below is a list of some…
Tinnitus Week
February 5-11 is Tinnitus Week. For the second year, the American Tinnitus Association has joined forces with the British Tinnitus Association, Tinnitus Research Initiative and TinnitusHub to help raise global awareness of tinnitus and how it impacts millions around the world. Your hearing loss specialists at PDX ENT are proud to be part of the…