Do You Have a Sinus Infection or COVID?

Over the last year scientists have learned more about the novel coronavirus. The more we learn, the most symptoms get added to the list, making it hard to determine if you have been infected with the virus. Being able to tell the difference between a sinus infection and COVID-19 is crucial to determining which medical…
What You Didn’t Know About Your Post-Nasal Drip

You’ll see post-nasal drip come up on a list of symptoms for a number of conditions. But do you actually know what this commonly referenced symptom is? Below are the answers to all the questions you never thought you wanted to know about your post-nasal drip. What Is Post-Nasal Drip? The glands in your nose…
Understanding Smell Disorders

Your sense of smell allows you to enjoy the aromas of nature and your favorite foods. It can also serve as a warning system, alerting you to spoiled food, a gas leak or smoke from a fire. If you have a smell disorder, it can disrupt your quality of life. It is estimated that one…
Do You Have a Cold, Sinus Infection or the Flu?

This time of year, it may be difficult to detect the cause of your cold-weather sniffles. Colds, sinus infections and the flu all share many symptoms, making it difficult to figure out which treatment route to take. Understanding the underlying cause of your symptoms is key to finding relief. How Common Are These Conditions? According…
Summer Nosebleeds: Here’s What to Do

Most people in Portland have experienced at least one nosebleed in their lifetime. While they can be scary – nobody wants to see blood pouring forth from a body part – most often, they are harmless. If you should experience a nosebleed this summer, taking the proper steps to staunch the flow of blood will…
Is Today The Day You Do Something About Your Sinus Issues?
Is it common for you to experience cold-like symptoms including: Nasal congestion and discharge Postnasal drip Sore throat Facial pressure and swelling Loss of smell and taste Headache Fever Fatigue Bad breath If so, you are not alone. Your Portland otolaryngologists estimate that nearly 37 million Americans suffer from an inflammation and swelling of their…
Can You Lose Your Sense of Smell?
What if you couldn’t stop and smell the roses? A condition known medically as anosmia is just that – an inability to perceive odors. Anosmia can be partial or complete and, while rarely the symptom of a serious condition, can still cause a number of issues for the individual involved. Fortunately, the condition is often…