Medication-Free Allergy Treatment?
If you are like most Portlanders, you have been suffering from allergies most of your life. This means you have also been taking over-the-counter as well as prescription medications to control your symptoms. What if I could tell you that there is a way to treat your symptoms without any medication? It is called avoidance…
Halloween and Food Allergies
When there is only rain in the seven-day forecast and pumpkin spiced everything in the grocery store you know fall is really here. For those who have children with food allergies, the start of fall means one thing – Halloween is around the corner. What kid does not love getting hordes of free candy from…
The Importance of Hearing Aids
Are you one of the nearly 48 million people in Portland, Oregon or throughout the country with hearing loss? If so, are you one of the nearly 80 percent who choose not to use their hearing aid? I thought so. Do you mind if I ask why? (You can say the answer out loud. I…
The Benefits of Hearing Aids
Hearing loss is extremely common; in fact, there are 48 million people in Oregon and throughout the country suffering from it right now. What’s even more surprising than this large number is the amount of these individuals that are not seeking help. For most individuals with hearing loss, the use of a hearing aid can…
What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is a form of dizziness characterized by the feeling that you or your environment is moving or spinning, despite the lack of any actual movement. This sensation is brought on by disturbances in the inner ear or the brain. Types of Vertigo Peripheral Vertigo Peripheral vertigo is associated with problems in the inner ear….
May Was Better Hearing & Speech Month
How is it already June? With May gone in a flash, you may have missed Better Hearing & Speech Month. This month-long campaign is designed to raise awareness for hearing loss and speech problems. It was originally created in 1927 by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Then, in 1986 President Reagan designated May as the…
Are Cotton Swabs Dangerous?
You were taught in school about the dangers of smoking, drinking, getting in cars with strangers etcetera, etcetera. But where was the public service announcement about the dangers of sticking something soft and fluffy in your ear? That’s right, I’m talking about cotton swabs. Your Portland audiologist would be the first to tell you that…
Understanding Hearing Aid Batteries
AAA or 675? Understanding Hearing Aid Batteries The batteries used by your hearing aids are much different than the ones you are used to putting in your smoke detectors and remote controls. Understanding what makes these batteries different is essential for proper hearing aid care. Below are some common questions many Portlanders ask their audiologist…
Different Types of Hearing Loss
Are there different types of hearing loss? Did you know there are different types of hearing loss? It turns out, in order for your Portland audiologist to create a customized treatment plan, they must determine your type and degree of hearing loss. There are three kinds of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural and mixed. Conductive hearing…
Hearing Loss in Your Portland Workplace
Noise-induced Hearing Loss Some things are under our control, like deciding to order a double bacon cheeseburger instead of the salad for dinner. Unfortunately, things like extreme weather events and developing hearing loss are not. Hearing loss is caused by genetic conditions, an injury and even simply getting older. There is one type of hearing…