Hearing Loss: Fact or Fiction
Hearing loss is an extremely common health problem across America, but most people know very little about their sense of hearing. The Portland hearing loss doctors at PDX ENT & Audiology Medical Group often encounter patients who have been living with major misperceptions about hearing. Take a look at these fun facts and familiar bits…
Hearing Loss Infographic
Learn more from PDX ENT at: pdxent.com.
What We Learned About Hearing Loss in 2014
The 21st century has seen unprecedented advancements in the fields of science, technology and medicine. Each year brings about exciting discoveries in audiology that are changing perceptions about hearing. As leading Portland hearing loss treatment providers, the expert audiologists at PDX ENT understand the importance of keeping up with the most cutting-edge developments to provide…
Hearing Loss Tests: What You Need to Know
Each year, most Americans take the time to visit their dentists, general practitioners and eye doctors for an annual exam. Many times, however, people leave their hearing unchecked for years—or sometimes for a lifetime. Due to this, approximately 29 million Americans live their lives with untreated hearing loss. An undiagnosed hearing impairment can affect many…
Are You Suffering from Untreated Hearing Loss?
Across America, an estimated 36 million adults are living with a hearing impairment. Despite the fact that hearing loss negatively impacts physical wellness, mental health and valued relationships, only 1 in 5 of the people across Portland with hearing loss will seek treatment for their impairment. If you think you may be one of the…
Pediatric Hearing Loss
Congenital hearing loss occurs during fetal development and is present in infants from birth. While congenital hearing loss is much rarer than gradual hearing loss, it is still one of the most common birth defects amongst U.S. babies. It’s estimated that about 12,000 children are born with a hearing impairment each year across the country,…
Hearing Loss Prevention
Hearing loss is usually a permanent condition. Once your hearing degenerates, it will not magically return; hearing aids can help restore your ability to communicate, but they are not a cure. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent certain types of hearing loss – or at least reduce the odds of losing your…
Correlation Between Hearing Loss & Dementia
Patients with hearing loss in Portland might be surprised to learn that their physical impairment increases their risk for developing dementia. Patients over the age of 60 have a 35% higher risk of cognitive impairment if they suffer from hearing loss. And for each additional 10-decibel loss in hearing capacity, their risk for Alzheimer’s disease…
Feeling Down? Hearing Loss May Be to Blame
Untreated hearing loss has been linked to a number of physical, mental and social health issues. One frequently reported side effect of hearing loss is depression. In addition to feelings of sadness, patients often experience anxiety, anger, frustration, paranoia and emotional instability. Making matters worse, many hearing loss patients withdraw from social activities. Social isolation…
Coping With Hearing Loss
Helping Loved Ones Cope with Hearing Loss Individuals with hearing loss aren’t the only ones who suffer. Their family and friends must also deal with the consequences. It can be especially difficult and frustrating for spouses, who must contend with a lack of communication. If your loved one is dealing with hearing loss, there are…