What Hearing Aid Style is Right for Me?
There are many things unique to Portland: food cart pods, “sun breaks,” and unicycle-riding bagpipe players dressed as space villains, to name a few. One thing not so different from the rest of the country: hearing loss. About 20 percent of the population in Oregon, and throughout the United States, suffers from impaired hearing. Nine…
Summer Allergies
It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy. Unless you are one of the 24 million Americans in Portland and throughout the United States who suffers from allergies during the warmest months of the year. In that case, summertime is anything but easy; instead, it can be downright miserable, leading you to wish for cooler weather…
How Do You Hear?
Have you ever wondered how you hear? How does the beep of the microwave leave that device, enter your ear and tell your brain that your popcorn is done? While it may seem simple, your Portland audiologist is here to tell you that it is surprisingly complicated. What Makes Up the Ear? There are three…
Is it Better Hearing & Speech Month Already?
May is here! It seems like only yesterday we were pulling on our boots and zipping up our parkas. Now the wildflowers are blooming and the days are staying lighter longer. If you are like us, you are probably asking yourself how it is already May. And with that, how is it Better Hearing &…
Is Today The Day You Do Something About Your Sinus Issues?
Is it common for you to experience cold-like symptoms including: Nasal congestion and discharge Postnasal drip Sore throat Facial pressure and swelling Loss of smell and taste Headache Fever Fatigue Bad breath If so, you are not alone. Your Portland otolaryngologists estimate that nearly 37 million Americans suffer from an inflammation and swelling of their…
Are You Allergic to Work?
Does going to work fill you with anxiety and cause your eyes to water and your head to throb? Turns out, some of these symptoms may not be your body begging you to give up and quit but instead may be the result of an allergy. That’s right – I’m saying you could be allergic…
Tinnitus Week
February 5-11 is Tinnitus Week. For the second year, the American Tinnitus Association has joined forces with the British Tinnitus Association, Tinnitus Research Initiative and TinnitusHub to help raise global awareness of tinnitus and how it impacts millions around the world. Your hearing loss specialists at PDX ENT are proud to be part of the…
Can You Lose Your Sense of Smell?
What if you couldn’t stop and smell the roses? A condition known medically as anosmia is just that – an inability to perceive odors. Anosmia can be partial or complete and, while rarely the symptom of a serious condition, can still cause a number of issues for the individual involved. Fortunately, the condition is often…
What is an Ear Infection?
Known medically as otitis media, an ear infection is an inflammation of the middle ear. It is the result of fluid becoming trapped behind the eardrum, usually because of a virus or bacteria. While anyone of any age can develop an ear infection, they are much more common in children than in older adults. In…
EpiPens May Last Past Their Expiration Date
How can EpiPens continue to be effective? A new study from the University of California, San Diego found that expired auto-injectors can still be used in emergency situations. If you are one of the many people in Portland who suffers from a severe allergy, you know how frustrating it is to constantly throw away unused…