Hearing Aids Come in Many Styles
Hearing aids come in a wide range of styles. When choosing a hearing aid, you’ll have to take into consideration many factors – your type of hearing loss, lifestyle, cosmetic preference and budget. Regardless of the style you choose, all hearing aids work by amplifying sounds, improving the ability of those with hearing loss to…
Choosing the Right Accessories for Your Hearing Aids
As adept as hearing aids are in improving the communication abilities of individuals with hearing loss, they do have limitations. Background noise, distance, and poor acoustics can all hamper their effectiveness. Accessories can help users overcome these obstacles in many situations, and enhance the overall communication experience. Some of the more popular accessories for hearing…
Looping Technology Improves Hearing Aid Versatility
As the incidence of hearing loss increases in the U.S. and the stigma associated with wearing hearing aids diminishes, more people are turning to these devices to improve their ability to communicate. These factors have led many businesses and other public places to evaluate their accessibility and cater to those with hearing loss. One such…
Coping With Hearing Loss
Helping Loved Ones Cope with Hearing Loss Individuals with hearing loss aren’t the only ones who suffer. Their family and friends must also deal with the consequences. It can be especially difficult and frustrating for spouses, who must contend with a lack of communication. If your loved one is dealing with hearing loss, there are…
Hearing Aids = Happiness
One surprising side effect of hearing loss is depression. Studies show an increase in stress, anxiety and social isolation in hearing impaired individuals. This, in turn, leads to depression. However, those who treat their hearing loss with hearing aids report a corresponding improvement in their overall attitude and wellbeing. In one study conducted by the…
Hearing Aid Fit & Follow-Up
Just because you’ve chosen and purchased hearing aids doesn’t mean your commitment ends there. Hearing aids aren’t just electronic devices, but a rehabilitative treatment that requires ongoing care. Understanding this fact, and realizing that fit and follow-up are every bit as important as the hearing aids themselves, will lead to increased satisfaction with your purchase….
Hearing Aid Clean & Check Appointments
Because hearing aids are subject to extreme conditions, you should have your audiologist clean and check them on a regular basis. This will increase their performance and help extend their life. Moisture, heat, earwax, dirt and debris can all wreak havoc with the internal components. Clean and check appointments are the best way to ensure…
Finding The Perfect Fit: Hearing Aid Selection is an Art
Hearing aids cost anywhere from $2000 – $7000 a pair, on average. You may be wondering whether there is anything wrong with less expensive devices. The surprising answer is, even budget hearing aids might be the perfect choice for your hearing loss. The best way to find out which hearing aids will suit your hearing…
Why Buying Hearing Aids Online is a Bad Idea
Online shopping is more popular than ever. When it comes to your hearing health, this is a bad idea: attempting to find a solution for your hearing loss without consulting a trained hearing professional is risky to your health, according to the FDA. You may save a few dollars up front, but keep in mind…
Managing Background Noise, Feedback and Occlusion
Hearing aids are a boon to persons experiencing hearing loss. They enable them to communicate with friends and family, and participate in the same activities they have long enjoyed. Most people require a little time to adapt to wearing hearing aids, and many report frustration with three common complaints: background noise, feedback and occlusion. There…