If you have made the investment in hearing aids, you want to make sure they perform well for as long as possible. Thankfully, with the right cleaning routine and proper tools, you can help ensure your device is functioning at its highest level.
Let’s examine a few of the best tools you can have in your hearing aid maintenance kit.
Essential Hearing Aid Tools 
While there are many tools out there that can help keep your hearing aids clean and functional, here are a few of our personal favorites:
- Cleaning brush. Soft-bristled brushes are a staple of hearing aid cleaning kits. They help remove dirt and other debris that collects on the outside of your device, and the bristles can be used to get inside the holes of your hearing aid to remove particles as well.
- Ventilation cleaner. This tool can remove moisture and earwax from the vent found on most in-the-ear models. Gently push the cleaner through the vent hole until it reaches the other side and then wipe off any buildup with a soft dry cloth or tissue.
- Wax guard. These are small plastic screens that attach to your hearing aid and prevent wax from building up on the device. They are typically used in behind-the-ear and receiver-in-ear models. They should be replaced every 1-2 months.
- Drying boxes or dehumidifiers. Moisture buildup has the potential to cause a lot of damage to your device. Drying boxes use air, heat or even UV lighting to remove excess moisture, while dehumidifiers use desiccants. They also serve as a great storage spot for your hearing aids when you take them out at night.
Preventing Infection
In addition to maintaining your device’s performance, regularly cleaning your hearing aid can also help reduce the risk of infection and irritation caused by debris buildup. Wearing hearing aids can alter the flora in your ear canal. These are not the kind of flora you find walking through Hoyt Arboretum.
A 2014 study found that people with hearing aids had more infection-causing bacteria and fungi in their ear canal than those without. Some people in the study reported that irritation caused them to lose trust in their device and wear it less, or in some cases stop using hearing aids completely.
Practicing regular cleaning measures can help remove flora from your hearing aids which may reduce irritation and allow you to get all that you can from your device.
To learn more or to schedule an appointment with a hearing aid expert, call PDX ENT today.