Choosing to start wearing hearing aids opens you up to a whole new world of easier communication, more awareness of your surroundings and even tinnitus symptom management, but there are a couple of things you need to know before getting fit for your new devices.
One thing to think about when choosing the right hearing aids for you is how they interact with your cell phone. Some hearing aids have been known to emit a buzzing noise when used with a cell phone. To prevent the buzzing sound from getting in the way of having a fun conversation with a friend while walking around Peninsula Park, let’s examine the causes of the noise and what you can do to minimize it.
Why Does the Buzzing Noise Occur?
The buzzing sound you hear in your devices occurs as a result of your hearing aid’s interference with your phone’s radiofrequency emissions. The Federal Communications Commission requires cell phone manufacturers to test the hearing aid compatibility of their devices before release. After testing, each cell phone will be rated based on its compatibility. You can use these ratings to help choose the phone least likely to interfere with your hearing aids.
How to Choose the Right Device
Although compatibility testing has reduced the likelihood of radiofrequency interference, it is still possible. To decrease the likelihood of interference, you should always check the compatibility rating before purchasing a new cell phone. The two ratings you should take into account include:
- The microphone mode rating. For hearing aids set in microphone mode, look for a rating of M3 or M4.
- The T coil mode rating. For hearing aids or cochlear implants with a T coil, look for a rating of T3 or T4.
You don’t need to necessarily find one device with a T4 rating because it can be achieved through a combination of different ratings on both devices. For instance, a cell phone with a T2 rating paired with a hearing aid with a T3 rating will have a combined rating of T5.
Choosing the right devices can help prevent that annoying buzzing noise and allow you to enjoy the hearing aid-clarified phone conversation with your family or friends.
For more information on hearing aids, contact PDX ENT today to make an appointment with one of our specialists.