Like all technology, hearing aids sometimes need to be upgraded or replaced. This can be due to a problem with the device itself or because you’ve experienced changes and need something that better suits your current needs.
Your Hearing Needs Have Changed 
Hearing loss can change and worsen over time, even with the use of hearing aids. This is especially true in presbycusis or age-related hearing loss. Age is one of the more common causes of hearing loss, with roughly one-third of adults over 65 being affected.
If you need to turn up the volume on your device or are struggling to understand what people are saying more than you did when you first got hearing aids, make an appointment with your audiologist. They can determine if the settings need to be adjusted or if a new device is necessary.
Other Health Issues Are Making It Harder to Use Your Device
Sometimes, other conditions not related to hearing may still require you to change your device. For example, if you’ve developed arthritis, you may struggle to change the batteries if you have smaller hearing aids. In this case, switching to a slightly larger model, like a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid, could be helpful.
Your Hearing Aids Are Starting to Malfunction
Even with the best at-home and professional care, most hearing aids have a lifespan between 3-5 years before they begin to experience problems. Years of exposure to moisture, earwax and normal wear and tear will eventually take their toll on your device and cause performance quality to drop.
Sometimes you may just need a specific part, like a microphone or tubing, replaced. However, if it’s been over five years, it is probably a wiser long-term investment to get a new pair of hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Technology is Always Evolving
Hearing aid manufacturers are always looking to add new features to improve the listening experience for their users. More recent models are more adept at adjusting their settings for different noise levels and environments. For example, hearing aid algorithms have improved the ability of hearing aids to suppress background noise, which makes it easier to follow the conversation when you’re out with friends at Tin Shed Garden Café.
If you think it’s time to upgrade your hearing aids or have additional questions for one of our experts, call PDX ENT today.