If you picture hearing aids as bulky, uncomfortable devices with inadequate sound quality, you may be surprised to learn how much they have changed over the years. Recent advances in hearing aid technology are allowing those living with hearing loss to enjoy numerous benefits that were previously impossible. Some of the newest advances include:
- Size. Today’s hearing aids are extremely discrete, often smaller than a watch battery. Even behind-the-ear hearing aids are smaller than ever before, while some in-the-canal style devices are 100% invisible.
- Digital Technology. Digital technology has led to a more accurate simulation of the way the ear works. Sounds are more natural to the hearing device user, and have better clarity.
- Automatic Adjustments. Hearing aids can automatically adjust to rapidly changing listening environments, eliminating the need for manual operation by the user.
- Adaptive Dual Microphones. Communication clarity is made possible by microphones that focus on the sound source while reducing or eliminating any distracting background noise.
- Open Fit Technology. That stuffed up or “talking in the barrel” feeling has been largely eliminated by slim design hearing aids that leave your ear canal open or unoccluded. Comfort and clarity of speech are the result.
- Feedback Management Technology. That irritating whistle that lets everybody know you are wearing hearing aids is gone with feedback management technology. This allows the hearing aid to recognize feedback and squelch it before it ever occurs.
- Cellphone and Bluetooth Compatibility. Many of today’s hearing aids connect with personal electronic devices wirelessly, allowing you to stream signals directly to the hearing aid using Bluetooth technology. To determine whether a cell phone is hearing aid compatible, look for an HAC label.