Even with the best maintenance and care, most Portland hearing aid wearers encounter problems with their devices from time to time. Not every issue has a simple solution, but many commonly occurring problems can be addressed at home. With a basic understanding of how your hearing aids function, you can troubleshoot plenty of problems by yourself. Of course, anytime you encounter an unfamiliar or unmanageable problem, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your Portland hearing loss doctor right away.
Hearing Aid Repair Tips
Your hearing aid is making a whistling, whooshing or howling sound.
There are three possible culprits causing this problem: an earwax buildup, poor insertion or a weak battery. First, take out your hearing aid and reinsert it in your ear. If this doesn’t solve the problem, trying cleaning the device’s ports with a wax pick or multi-tool. If the problem still isn’t resolved, try replacing the battery to see if this solves the unwanted sound. If none of these seem to resolve the noise, you will need to call a Portland hearing aid professional to schedule a repair appointment.
The sounds coming through your hearing devices are too quiet.
Quiet, hard-to-hear sound is typically due to one of two causes: problematic tubing or an earwax blockage. First, clean the hearing aid, battery contacts and tubing with a cloth, wax pick and multi-tool. If this doesn’t help, check your tubing for damage or a moisture buildup and replace if necessary. If these solutions don’t work, your hearing may have changed. Seek the help of a Portland hearing loss doctor to assess your hearing and make the necessary adjustments to your hearing aids’ settings.
Your hearing aid isn’t producing sound.
There are many causes of a nonfunctioning hearing aid. First, check that your hearing aid is turned on and set to “microphone.” Next, ensure your battery is inserted correctly and the compartment is completely closed. After you’ve confirmed that everything is in its place, it’s time to try cleaning a variety of parts of the hearing aid including the microphone, tubing, sound outlet, wax filter and ear mold. Finally, try inserting a new battery into the device. If none of these work, you may have a damaged or defective device that requires the attention of an audiologist.
The sounds you hear are distorted or unclear.
Warped sounds are usually the result of the device being on the wrong settings or a problem related to a hearing aid’s battery. First, ensure your hearing aid’s volume isn’t turned up too high and the device isn’t set to “tele-coil.” Next, try carefully cleaning the batteries and battery contacts, which can cause distortion when dirty or eroded. If the problem persists, you will need to visit a hearing loss doctor for a professional cleaning or parts replacement.
If you wear hearing aids, you may be surprised at your at-home troubleshooting capabilities. Before you visit your Portland hearing loss doctor for a major repair, try these simple solutions to help you hear right away without delay!