Feedback occurs when the microphone reamplifies a sound into your hearing aids causing an unpleasant whistling noise. It can occur occasionally when you’re putting your hearing aids on in the morning or taking them out at night.
However, if you are regularly experiencing feedback when going about your day or having a latte with friends at your favorite Rose City coffee shop, it can start to be a problem. It may also be a sign of a problem with your hearing aids. Let’s look at some of the most common causes as well as what you can do to fix them.
Certain Hearing Aid Models More Prone to Feedback
Studies have shown that the design of a hearing aid has an effect on feedback levels. For example, behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are more likely to experience whistling than in-the-ear-canal (ITC) devices. If you wear a model that is more prone to feedback, your audiologist can make adjustments to reduce it.
Bad Fit Can Cause Feedback
Your ears can change shape over time because of aging or changes in weight. When these changes happen, it can cause the earmold to loosen and not seal properly, leading to feedback. To solve this, visit your audiologist and get new earmolds fitted to your ear.
Earwax Buildup Causes Problems for Hearing Aids
Earwax can cause many different problems for your hearing aids. Earwax can block your ear canal so that sound can’t get through. It instead bounces back into your device, causing feedback. Buildup can also irritate your ears and, in some cases, make it harder to hear.
Cleaning your device regularly and having regular checkups with your hearing aid specialist can help prevent buildup.
Hearing Aid Equipment Malfunctioning
Several other parts of hearing aids can become damaged and cause feedback.
- Hearing aid tubing can harden and shrink and begin to pull at the earmold. This messes with the fit of your device and causes feedback issues. Replacing tubing will correct this issue.
- Microphones can become loose or displaced. They may need to be repaired or replaced. Make an appointment if you believe your feedback is caused by microphone issues.