Today’s Hearing Aids: Focus on Features
You know today’s hearing aids are digital—but what does that really mean? At PDX ENT, we talk to a lot of patients about hearing aids in Portland. Most people understand that recent hearing aid innovations have resulted in improved sound transmission; however, many don’t have a firm grasp on what digital technology really means when…
How Today’s Technologies Are Improving Hearing Aids
Hearing aids of the past caused many problems for patients in Portland with hearing loss. Analog technology led to many limitations in performance and amplification, leaving those with hearing loss struggling to hear in many situations. Today’s technologies offer solutions to many of these struggles using simple settings and fast-working features that are built in…
Caring for Hearing Aid Batteries
Without properly caring for the batteries used for your hearing aids in Portland, they may suffer from a shorter lifespan and reduced functionality. Treating your hearing aid batteries right starts well before you insert them into your devices. Follow these tips for the best way to store, install and maintain your hearing aid batteries, so…
Time for a Trip? Follow These Helpful Hearing Aid Travel Tips
Come February each year, it can feel like winter may never come to an end in Portland. This time of year, it’s more appealing than ever to book a trip out of town for a few days in the sunshine. If you’re one of the many people who wears hearing aids in Portland, it’s important…
Hearing Loss: Numbers to Know
Sometimes it’s hard to under stand just how serious of a problem hearing loss actually is. This is why so many people in Portland with hearing loss are completely unaware of their problem. Hearing loss doesn’t just mean missing out on conversations, though. The condition has been linked to several more serious medical problems like…
Moisture Malfunction: Keeping Your Hearing Aids Safe & Dry
Moisture is the number one enemy of hearing aids, and one of the most common reasons patients need repairs on their hearing aids in Portland. We live in a wet and rainy climate, so protecting your hearing aids is even more important in the Pacific Northwest than in other areas of the country. Rain isn’t…
Dialing In on Successful Phone Communication
If you’re one of the many people in Portland with hearing loss, you know how difficult talking on the phone can be. But with the amazing technology available today, your hearing aids can actually help rather than hinder your phone calls. As someone who wears hearing aids in Portland, you can choose between several settings…
Cochlear Implants: What They Are & How They Work
Hearing aids have helped countless Americans regain their ability to communicate, but they aren’t perfect for everybody. Individuals with severe hearing loss or profound deafness may require a different solution for improving their hearing. Cochlear implants help many patients who are unable to benefit from hearing aids. Instead of amplifying sounds, they generate an electrical…
Assistive Listening Devices Help Overcome Obstacles
Hearing aids are invaluable in helping hearing-impaired individuals reconnect with the world. But their abilities are limited in certain situations, especially when background noise is present and disruptive. Assistive listening devices can help overcome these obstacles and improve the ability to hear in challenging listening environments. Assistive listening devices, or ALDs, are essentially personal amplifiers….
Types of Hearing Loss
If you’re suffering from hearing loss in Portland, you are not alone: this condition affects roughly 38 million Americans of all ages. But your hearing loss isn’t necessarily the same as your friend’s or neighbor’s. There are different types of hearing loss, and a variety of causes. Hearing loss is categorized by which part of…