Just like you take your car to Bradshaw’s Auto Repair to get detailed, your hearing aids also require this type of care. It’s important to clean your hearing aids daily so that they last. We review how below.
How to Clean In-the-Ear Hearing Aids
In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are worn partially in the ear canal and partially in the bowl of the ear. Follow the steps below to clean your ITE hearing aids:
- Check the openings of your hearing aid for signs of debris. Use a soft brush, like a new toothbrush, to clear it away. Make sure you face the openings downward so debris falls out instead of in.
- Use a wax pick or wire loop to clear any remaining debris from the openings.
- Wipe down the entire hearing aid with a soft, dry, clean cloth.
How to Clean Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are worn behind the ear, with a thin tube connecting them to an earmold that sits within the ear canal. Follow the steps below to clean your BTE hearing aids:
- Use a soft brush to remove buildup from the casing of the hearing aid.
- Remove the earmolds from the hearing aid and wipe them down with a soft, dry, clean cloth. At least weekly, be sure to soak them in warm, soapy water, making sure they’re completely dry before reattaching them.
- Use a bulb blower to force any moisture out of the tubing.
How to Clean Your Ears
It’s just as important to make sure your ears are clean as it is to make sure your hearing aids are clean in order to prevent earwax from impacting the devices.
You should never stick anything in your ears, including Q-tips and hair pins, to clean them. This can result in further impaction or, even worse, injury.
Instead, use a damp washcloth to clean the outer ear and the opening of your ear canal. If you have earwax in the ear canal, use the shower stream to irrigate it. If the wax is stubborn and hardened, you can use over-the-counter eardrops to soften it.
To learn more about how to clean your hearing aids or to schedule an appointment with a hearing aid expert, call PDX ENT today.